Natural Living Mentoring
For each session, I will answer a specific question related to living naturally, and also try to tie my answer into a specific situation if applicable. What I can't do, is offer specific medical advice as I am not a doctor, and any advice given should not substitute or be construed as competent medical advice. I am not a doctor, and even if I was, the internet is not the best way to get specific information about your health. I personally believe that we can all live naturally and that nature provides everything that is needed to be happy, healthy, and live the best quality of life possible. While living naturally, and taking advantage of everything nature can provide is excellent, personal research, planning and knowledge go a long ways! It is far easier to prevent an issue that to fix it, and just because something is natural doesn't mean it is good for you either! As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of solution!
Life is energy, energy is life! We can not have one, without the other, just as one can not exist without the other.
Training & Qualifications
I have been studying ways to live naturally for over 26 years now. My goal is to help people live as naturally as possible, and to encourage people to do research whenever possible. There are many aspects to natural living that should not be taken lightly, and people should do their best to make sure that they are not going to do something that won't curtail their efforts. I currently hold both a Masters in Business Administration (Sustainable Business), and a B.S. in Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Availability & Preferences
As most services are virtual, available times are inconsequential. Aside from this, if an in person consultation is warranted, I will work to schedule a mutually beneficial time to meet.