Donate to Simbi Community Development, 501(c)(3) is an IRS-recognized non-profit organization, promoting community and individual development. We make donations from our Supporters go far 🚀
1. Become a Supporter
The best way to make a tax-deductible donation to Simbi is to become a Simbi Supporter, either using your personal profile, or by creating an Organization page for your project or brand.
2. One-time donation via PayPal
If you'd like to make a one-time donation instead, you can do so with no fees via PayPal's Giving Fund.
3. Donate with crypto
NEW! We also now accept donations of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies!
1. Go to
2. Pick Simbi Community Development from the list.
3. Donate crypto and get a tax receipt.
(Donations of appreciated cryptocurrency don’t trigger capital gains taxes, and may be tax-deductible for the full value.)