Hey, I'm Rachel!
Covington LA | Member since August 2017
About Rachel Rabalais
I love Simbi! I was skeptical about it at first but now I love it! I love to help people and it always makes me feel accomplished. Everyone's happy, nice and ready to help. I am in college my major is psychology and my minor is criminal justice. I love animals especially fish. I have 6 Axolotls (Princess- dirty Lucy with two different colored eyes one green and one blue, James- gfp albino with iriphadores, Jesse- dirty Lucy, olive- Wildtype with gold flakes, sparky- dark black melanoid, and Luna- copper) siren salamander Sigmund , 2 German Shepards Max and Sophia, a maltipoo named tetaw, a cat named Sammy , 2 bunnies named mocha and peanut butter , and a horse named lightning. I love to write/read/reasearch! I've been with my fiancé for 6 years! .
Rachel Rabalais's Services
Rachel Rabalais's Requests
Rachel Rabalais's Products
Frank provided unit of Recipe/Cooking advice by Linguini! for Rachel
Christopher bought 5 plant pictures from Rachel
Ana received unit of Your personal tester from Rachel
Jennie received unit of Your personal tester from Rachel
Kimberly provided Help with Documents typed up for Rachel
Dylanna received hour of Freelance writer from Rachel
Daniel received unit of Aquatic animals (fish) from Rachel
Christopher received unit of Review Your Book, art, or product from Rachel
Services Rachel Rabalais is looking for:
- Fun & Quirky
- Ask Me Anything
- Classes & Webcasts
- Cooking
- Food
- Writing & Editing
- Business
- Legal
- Travel
- Life Coaching
- Health Care
- Wellness
- Acupuncture
- Yoga
- Art & Design