Goal to Soul Alignment
This process combines the groundedness of goal setting with the higher guidance of receiving an energetic reading to help you do the inner work necessary to achieve your outer vision.
Working together will bring two main benefits:
Goal benefits: Get perspective on which goals you’re most ready for right now, how to view and pursue them, and if the journey entices you enough to follow through and reach your desired destination.
Soul benefits: Grow your relationship with your intuition/gut instinct so that you are more likely to be aware of what brings joy to your soul, and thus improve your ability to make choices that will yield you long term fulfillment.
How it works: I'll connect with you on video chat and ask you questions about goals/affirmations you want to achieve/become. Before you start sharing I will ask you to pay attention to any emotions or physical sensations that come up as you speak (paying attention to what’s happening inside of you as you talk about your desires is what helps you achieve the soul benefits listed above). As you’re sharing I connect with you empathically, and read your body language/energy to help you notice where you may be subconsciously resisting your conscious desire. Then through questions and answers and trying out different goal statements we'll figure out which goals fully resonate with you and which goals would distract you from walking your true life path.
Training & Qualifications
Certified Life Coach since 2008
Reiki Master Practitioner since 2008
From 2010 onward I've been developing my own healing technology (feel free to read more below)
In the summer of 2010 I got inspired to meditate consistently for about 45 days, and over that time I began allowing my body to move itself. It began as just my arm rotating in a circle, and felt very similar to the automatic movement I’ve felt in the past. It was as if the motion my arm was making was tuning me deeper into the meditation.
Eventually the movements became a part of my life outside of meditation as well. I would notice the movements most prominently when I was hosting Law of Attraction Meetups. It felt like being around other people who were interested in the non-physical caused me to focus more non-physically as well, and the movement grew to be more advanced with my hands automatically touching different chakras and meridian points on my body and moving the energy. Because it felt so good, I continued allowing it, and was lucky enough to have a group of people I was comfortable with to help draw more of it out of me.
That same summer the movements began being accompanied by sounds. At first they sounded like a cross between a bird call and a Native American war cry. It was very similar to laughter in the sense that it would just come up in response to different thoughts or energy. I could suppress it around people who I felt might not understand, but it always felt better to fully be myself, so I would often find myself drawn to the joys of solitude where I learned to allow the sounds and movements without judgment or control.
Over the years my practiced has developed from a nebulous form of feel-goodery, into a tool I can use to consistently tune into almost anyone or anything and feel a full-body, visceral response that allows me to "know" the energy on some level. This affords me a unique perspective that often transcends appearances and logical thought.
What started with basic movements and primal sounds, has now evolved into beautiful tones and chanting accompanied with ultra-specific movements right down to the positioning of each of my fingers. My breathing changes from normal to deep breathing to fast panting, without any thought or intention on my part. It's a complete exercise in allowing that often yields incredible visuals like downloading a movie scene by scene.
Lately my connection feels much more grounded in the vibration of abundance. Here's a quick thought exercise to illustrate what I'm talking about:
Picture the biggest problem you can think of? How many people does it affect? How long has it been a problem? And how long will it be until we've collectively found a solution? How are you feeling as you think about all this?
Now, in your mind's eye, picture the vastness of the universe. Nearly ten billion galaxies, containing an average of a 100 billion stars, spread across billions of lightyears of space in all directions. How big does that problem seem now? If only one civilization in the last 13.8 billion years has experience something similar to the problem you've described, then the solution is already out there. We're just thinking too small to recognize it.
We might not have the physical technology to connect with the entire universe, but on a non-physical level, where there's no physical limitation, everything is connected. And the vibration of your solution exists.
The point of this exercise is to create a space for you to take your eye off the problem for a moment and tap into the vibration of the solution. You might not be able to see the solution on a physical level, but if you can tap into what it feels like on a non-physical level then you will have effectively downloaded the template to your solution. And using that template, you can then let go of anything that doesn't cause you to feel that way when you focus on the physical world. Anything that doesn't have the same vibrational signature as the solution is effectively a red herring distracting you from the path of least resistance. And once you know that you can stop thinking that life has to be hard, and start looking for ways that it can be easy.
Availability & Preferences
My availability ranges between 9am-7pm Monday-Friday. I use automatic scheduling software and I will give you a direct link to pick your desired time once we've settled on an exchange/deal.