Islam jurisprudence: one inquiry
I will explain in a written document a principle of Islamic jurisprudence of your choice and try to connect it to the closest equivalent of other modern/contemporary laws and cultures.
For example your inquiry could be: Must all Muslims fast Ramadan?
And my answer would be something like this:
Short answer: No.
Long answer: For fasting to be performed well (and acceptable based on the Islamic belief), a person must be in a good to perfect health condition among other things. I will start with the health issues:
Begging of monthly cycle (bleeding)
Chronic disease...
Other cases:
Training & Qualifications
I have studied Islamic jurisprudence since I was a kid in elementary school until high school all in Arabic. Then I studied accounting with CIMA where I came across the financial system under Sharia law in English.
Moreover, I personally find it quite easy to address questions because Islam is based on five main pillars and Sharia (Islamic law) is based on five main preservations. EVERYTHING is connected to one or more of these pillars or preservations.
Availability & Preferences
I'm usually available on Saturday.