Cute pictures of my cat!
I will send you three pictures of our cats, and if you'd like, one of our dog, too. I have fewer pictures of Charlie (the dog) than the cats.
Most of the pictures I have are of Rocky, who is *mine*, she's a sweet, curious, playful bobtail cat. The other cat, Fluffy, is a black rag doll cat.
I'll do my best to see you it that you're satisfied.
And we can chat or gush about cats and cute animals if you'd like.
This is basically a "Just for fun" service that's meant to make people smile or cheer them up a bit.
~~~~~ ☆ If you prefer, you can "pay" in pictures of your cat(s).
Or any baby pet pictures. I'm open to trade. ☆ ~~~~~
Training & Qualifications
A pet "owner."
Pretty sure Rocky and I are best buds and partners in crime... she just needs some help procuring food and water and uses a different toileting system.
That's cool. I'm different and need help with stuff, too.
I've had cats since I was probably 8 years old, started living with golden retrievers and now a black lab since 2009.
Availability & Preferences
For sending pictures, as soon as I see the message and we seal the deal! ;)