A Business Venture for Readers
In the past year I've worked on a project that has finally been coming into fruition. But alas, I need 9 volunteers.
These volunteers will be working with me but only at first. After that, they will be entrusted and only virtually connected. Your identity will also be kept secret by default (come the day of opening our "gates". it needs to be in order for this to work).
I cant talk too much about it here as it's business related and in one swift swoop any wealthy business man or woman could take from me all I've worked hard for. Businesses today are like that.
I can tell you this:
• It will be very fun and new
• It's a pioneering event - there is nothing like what we will be, created yet so far. It could change everything to do with how we have wayyy too much spam and notifications these days
• It would be a step towards world peace in that it connects people to many different Spiritual beliefs, nullifying the formerly used excuses of "differences between in religion"
• It would not only be financially fulfilling but simultaneously teach society how to be freely giving until each other, freeing two birds with one love.
This isn't really a Simbi based thing but why not, I do have a small inactive group here, please join me there if interested and thank you for your patience as I get everything situated
Thank you for your time