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Shaun Thomas is requesting

A Business Venture for Readers


2 for fulfilling my request - Virtual OK - Posted Apr 26, 2019

In the past year I've worked on a project that has finally been coming into fruition. But alas, I need 9 volunteers.
These volunteers will be working with me but only at first. After that, they will be entrusted and only virtually connected. Your identity will also be kept secret by default (come the day of opening our "gates". it needs to be in order for this to work).

I cant talk too much about it here as it's business related and in one swift swoop any wealthy business man or woman could take from me all I've worked hard for. Businesses today are like that.

I can tell you this:

• It will be very fun and new
• It's a pioneering event - there is nothing like what we will be, created yet so far. It could change everything to do with how we have wayyy too much spam and notifications these days
• It would be a step towards world peace in that it connects people to many different Spiritual beliefs, nullifying the formerly used excuses of "differences between in religion"
• It would not only be financially fulfilling but simultaneously teach society how to be freely giving until each other, freeing two birds with one love.

This isn't really a Simbi based thing but why not, I do have a small inactive group here, please join me there if interested and thank you for your patience as I get everything situated
Thank you for your time

Reviews of Shaun Thomas

Amanda provided Help with A Business Venture for Readers for Shaun Thomas
Jul 05, 2019
Shaun is a very creative person who has some great ideas for making an impact in the world!
Inactive User
Inactive User provided unit of Spiritual Reading/Prophecy for Shaun Thomas
Jan 16, 2021
May Jesus be exalted through all the earth! God's love is so great! His word truly is powerful! Praise the Lord! God bless you, Shaun!
Katrina left review for Shaun Thomas
Jun 27, 2019
Shaun and I were hoping to exchange, but we both got busy. I look forward to trading with you another time :)
Marieke received unit of 1-hour astrology chart reading from Shaun Thomas
Jun 02, 2019
Every soul is beautiful, but there is such a unique loving quality to Shaun and I’m so grateful we exchanged services. He is a great client, clear abo...ut what he needs and how he works, and I really appreciated his insights into my chart. The way he sees astrology is truly special and I love the insights and clarity I’ve more
Sarvapati provided unit of What is Your Divine Gift? for Shaun Thomas
Apr 26, 2019
It's been a pleasure and a privilege to be entrusted with Shaun's reading. It's my profound hope that what he "remembers" as a result contributes to growth and to the betterment of more
Jules provided Help with Simple cartoon drawing for Shaun Thomas
Mar 20, 2019
Shaun was able to describe what he needed so we could come up with some great cartoons together!
Ava provided unit of Kitty Pictures for Shaun Thomas
Mar 12, 2019
Shaun sent me a picture of an animated turtle that was pretty cute.
Ava provided unit of Kitty Pictures for Shaun Thomas
Mar 12, 2019
Shaun has a delightful way with words. I was happy to provide a picture of my cat that looked like he was playing a game of Sorry with me :)
Dylanna provided package of Guest Writer for Your Blog for Shaun Thomas
Mar 08, 2019
Shaun was great to work with! He provided an amazing writing prompt and suggestions. I'm more than willing to work with him again!
Selena received Help with Teach Me Numerology from Shaun Thomas
Oct 17, 2018
Shaun is fantastic to work with! He is deep and genuine.


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

Shaun Thomas's services

Dream Interpretation
I've been a sexy RBE (Resource Based Econony) supporter and activist for years, dreaming one day we'd wake up from our destructive capitalistic fractional-reserve banking system nightmare. Why sex...

Dream Interpretation

Astrology Lessons
I've been a sexy RBE (Resource Based Econony) supporter and activist for years, dreaming one day we'd wake up from our destructive capitalistic fractional-reserve banking system nightmare. Why sex...

Astrology Lessons

I will write you a song on Ukulele!
I've been a sexy RBE (Resource Based Econony) supporter and activist for years, dreaming one day we'd wake up from our destructive capitalistic fractional-reserve banking system nightmare. Why sex...

I will write you a song on Ukulele!

Shaun Thomas's requests

Shaun Thomas is requesting
Looking for teachers of substanced
Yes by substanced arts I do mean - just about anything which you feel you could teach that has substance to benefit others! So there is technically no limit here, so long as you yourself feel it ha...

I've been a sexy RBE (Resource Based Econony) supporter and activist for years, dreaming one day we'd wake up from our destructive capitalistic fractional-reserve banking system nightmare. Why sex...

About Shaun Thomas Villafana

California Bay Area Rapper Self-Made Millionaire. Comedian. Also joking about the millionaire thing For now. But one day, I will spend a million on amateur bracelets. I like to knit and I do ...have my own sewing machine. I'm not afraid of bullies You hear me? I'm not grrrr I chase my own tail I have a tail, cool huh Okay no I don't I don't really have a tail I have more gay friends than I have straight friends and I'm not gay Actually all my guy friends are gay And a few girl friends I think gay people on average have higher I.Q. Or they are shallow as f*** and just put up with my rambling But anyways, there is my about me show more

Open to other proposals
Shaun Thomas Villafana is looking for:
  • Fun & Quirky
  • Cheap & Easy
  • Just for Fun
  • Digital Marketing
  • Website Consulting
  • Web/Software Development
  • Graphic Design
  • Learning
  • Writing & Editing
  • Consulting & Coaching
  • Business
  • Administration
  • Event Planning
  • Marketing
  • Legal
  • Accounting & Bookkeeping
  • Friendship/Listening
  • Transport & Rideshares
  • Tours & Excursions
  • Experiences
  • Travel
  • New Age
  • Adventure
  • Life Coaching
  • Counseling & Therapy
  • Healing Arts
  • Chiropractic
  • Massage
  • Health Care
  • Wellness
  • Physical Therapy
  • Personal Training
  • Dance
  • Yoga
  • Fitness
  • Photography
  • Entertainment & Performance
  • Music & Audio
  • Craftwork
  • Art & Design