Send You Reiki
For anyone looking for a remote healing touch or interested in Reiki. I'm only a Level I so just looking for friends to connect with and share the experience and practice.
The process is simple....
We'll connect on a time that works for both of us; finding a quiet place to meditate or just close your eyes, sit comfortably with your hands and legs uncrossed, be open and relaxed. I'll do my best to send you healing energy from Hawaii.
I'm not looking for payment, just to pay it forward so love simibi for this and get some feedback.
This is a love of mine, I'm not an expert but would be happy to work with those in the community.
Training & Qualifications
Trained in India by a Reiki Master, it's been now 3 years certified in Reiki (Level I)
Practiced with family, friends and animals I've encountered along the way.
I'm by no means an expert or master...
Availability & Preferences
mornings (Hawaii Time) and weekends....