Ask a young woman with Diabetese T1
Ask me anything about Diabetese! I've had Diabetese Type 1 for more than 20 years and I'm still managing to be healthy, fit and active through a healthy diet (not a restrictive diet, just healthy), exercises and a positive mind. I'll be willing to answer any question, give any advice or tip, or just have a chat about Diabetese! Don't be shy!
- How I count my carbohydrates
- How I manage my insulin intake
- What I do when I get sick?
- How do I exercise?
- What do I do to stay fit?
- What kind of diet do I use?
- How to deal with sugar rush, alcohol use, traveling, weird work schedule....
Don't be shy! Ask me anything!
Training & Qualifications
My name is Pasquale and I'm turning 30 years old soon. I've had diabetese Type 1 diagnosed at the age of 9, so I've had it for more than 20 years now. I have to give myself shots of insulin 4 times a day, everyday. I am 5'6 and 124 pounds, I have no weight problem as I've always been very concerned about nutrition and health. I've been studying nutrition and herbolism. I also love cooking so I can provide recipes as well!
Availability & Preferences