Question guidance tarot reading
I will do a 7 tarot or oracle card reading for you including my interpretation geared to a specific question. I interpret the cards, it is up to you to apply them to your specific question. Your question must be extremely specific in your mind.
I enjoy working with my guides and cards which is why I am offering this service. This spread will guide you to help solve the problem at hand, and the eventual outcome of the situation.
With your permission, I meditate and connect with your guides who then work with me while I work with the cards. They guide me to the correct deck, let me know which cards should be used and what they mean to you.
For me it is a form of relaxation and strengthens my connection with spirit enabling me to give a more detailed interpretation.
A reading can help with a question on direction you may have that you are looking to the spirit and divine for answers and guidance.
I will take a picture of the cards as well as descriptions and my interpretation will be sent to you. If you have any questions after receiving your reading, I will happily answer you to the best of my ability.
Training & Qualifications
For me it is a form of relaxation and strengthens my connection with spirit enabling me to give a more detailed interpretation.
I am currently studying with a shaman and walking a path with her as well as her Magick class and an Oracle reading card as oracle cards are quite literal with their messages.
Availability & Preferences
evenings and weekends