Linux setup scripting.
I'm looking for someone to set up on my virtual linux server. Command line scripting or possibly something like ansable or able to be migrated to other servers. Need to be able to do automated services and able to migrate data to other servers or drives. I have the ability to do the work just no time with a new born and toddler.
goals of project
A. setup scripting for automated installation and deployment of services on diffrent servers using ubuntu 12 or higher
B. End results must pass WAF [Wife Acceptance Factor]
Scripts to be written:
0. setup veriable file to be able to edit one file for scripts to get data from ie. user names, passwords, private keys, and everything else
1. setup openvpn server and client
a. connect to remote vpn services
b. to accept incoming connections verified with private keys.
c. route outbound traffic through previously configured vpn service.
2. setup torrent seed box
a. configure to have remote command interface possibly gui
b. route all traffic through vpn
3. setup firewall
4. setup shared storage for computers on vpn
5. setup FTP server
6. Setup html server possibaly apatchie