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Josh is requesting

Linux setup scripting.


40 for fulfilling my request - Virtual OK - Posted Jul 28, 2017

I'm looking for someone to set up on my virtual linux server. Command line scripting or possibly something like ansable or able to be migrated to other servers. Need to be able to do automated services and able to migrate data to other servers or drives. I have the ability to do the work just no time with a new born and toddler.

goals of project
A. setup scripting for automated installation and deployment of services on diffrent servers using ubuntu 12 or higher
B. End results must pass WAF [Wife Acceptance Factor]
Scripts to be written:
0. setup veriable file to be able to edit one file for scripts to get data from ie. user names, passwords, private keys, and everything else
1. setup openvpn server and client
a. connect to remote vpn services
b. to accept incoming connections verified with private keys.
c. route outbound traffic through previously configured vpn service.
2. setup torrent seed box
a. configure to have remote command interface possibly gui
b. route all traffic through vpn
3. setup firewall
4. setup shared storage for computers on vpn
5. setup FTP server
6. Setup html server possibaly apatchie

Reviews of Josh

Inactive User
Inactive User left review for Josh
Jul 29, 2017
Josh is very detail oriented and precise in his project objectives.
Inactive User
Inactive User received Help with Smart Audio Person, Help! from Josh
Oct 22, 2017
Josh responded to my request quickly, and perfectly! My smartphone now takes input from my bluetooth headphone/mic when recording video. Thank you, much, Josh!show more
Inactive User
Inactive User received Help with Travel w/ Baby - Altitude change from Josh
Aug 19, 2017
Thank you!
Anat received Help with Question on Free Will from Josh
Aug 14, 2017
Thanks Josh!
Daniel provided package of Computer Script Writer for Josh
Aug 13, 2017
Josh was very clear with his request and understand.
Inactive User
Inactive User received Help with One thing you wish to be Automated from Josh
Aug 10, 2017
Josh was able to share me his wish to have his installation scripts automated. As a bonus offered, I had shared him the possible ways to do it.
Aug 10, 2017
Thanks Josh.
Bonny received Help with Poll: Brushing Your Teeth from Josh
Aug 05, 2017
Josh got me one step closer to my goal. Much appreciated!
Julia provided package of Iowa home school consult for Josh
Aug 05, 2017
Josh was easy to deal with. Since he had considered home education thoroughly, it was easy to couch his ideas in 'educationese.' He very eager to lear...n about home school more
Chris provided hour of Urban Farmhand for Josh
Aug 05, 2017
Josh was super easy to work with. He already had the tools and the ideas all he needed was for me to get to work. I love that! He didn't micro manage ...but did spend some time keeping me company while I worked his land. He's a cool guy and I look forward to helping him on future more


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

Josh's services

Computer hardware installation
I love to trade my services and talents with others for theirs. There have been many times I can recall that I would have to start the day with $2 and a drive to make it and get home at the end of ...

Computer hardware installation

Listening services.
I love to trade my services and talents with others for theirs. There have been many times I can recall that I would have to start the day with $2 and a drive to make it and get home at the end of ...

Listening services.

Personalized individual meal.
I love to trade my services and talents with others for theirs. There have been many times I can recall that I would have to start the day with $2 and a drive to make it and get home at the end of ...

Personalized individual meal.

Josh's requests

Josh is requesting
1988 Coke machine repair.
My wife bought me a coke vending machine for our anniversary 5 or so years back. It was used as all old machines are. We used it for about 2 years and then it quit making soda cold and would despe...

I love to trade my services and talents with others for theirs. There have been many times I can recall that I would have to start the day with $2 and a drive to make it and get home at the end of ...
Josh is requesting
NodeMCU arduino IR changer.
I am looking for a peice of code that will take an IR signal in and evaluate that and then send another IR signal out. This piece of code could be used for many things I am currently looking to us...

I love to trade my services and talents with others for theirs. There have been many times I can recall that I would have to start the day with $2 and a drive to make it and get home at the end of ...
Josh is requesting
Remodeling assistants
I have what seems like 400 tasks needing done and as a stay at home parent with a toddler and an infant on the way, time does not seem to ever be on my side. I am remodeling my basement and working...

I love to trade my services and talents with others for theirs. There have been many times I can recall that I would have to start the day with $2 and a drive to make it and get home at the end of ...

About Josh Wederquist

Stay at home dad, with a huge interest in technology. I believe in volunteerism, meaning that all interactions between 2 people should be on a consensual basis. So long as everyone comes out of a deal... happy whats does it matter? Simbi is just another bartering system like bitcoin. I am a hobbyist in cryptocoin. I have successfully mined everything from Bitcoin to Dash. I am a great cook and am constantly creating new dishs. show more

Open to other proposals
Josh Wederquist is looking for:
  • Cheap & Easy
  • Children's Tutoring
  • Children's Activities
  • Maintenance
  • Handyman services
  • Web/Software Development
  • Digital
  • Learning
  • Cleaning
  • Home
  • Gardening