NodeMCU arduino IR changer.
I am looking for a peice of code that will take an IR signal in and evaluate that and then send another IR signal out. This piece of code could be used for many things I am currently looking to use it so that my TV remote will send out a signal of volume up and the Arduino would then interpret that command to send out a command to my receiver to increase the surround sound volume since my tv has an option to turn off speakers then I could still use those the remotes buttons and not have to get the other remote to change the volume or worse yet have to get up and manually change the volume. Additionally my TV has a button on it for Rdio and they don't even have a service anymore so I would like it to open a different service but reading the information on the internet Roku TVs and boxes that have the name Rdio cant do anything with the button and so Id like to change it but that requires re programming the actual remote a task I am not up to. So basicly I am looking to be able to use most any remote with an arduino like a harmony device