Auricular Acupuncture
Acupuncture have been used since ancient times to succesfully treat a variety of conditions or lessen the symptoms. It is a natural form of medicine without the side effects of the drugs. It consists of very thin needle which are inserted in specific points on the body. Through these points, the body's natural repairing and healing mechanisms are activated.
The needles are stainless steel, sterile and for one-time use.
The auricular protocol uses 5 needles inserted in vertain points on th ear lobe for balancing the nervous system, and for organ detoxification.
Indications: insomnia, headaches, stress, anxiety, depression, addictions, body tension, pain.
During the session the patient rest fully dressed on the table, in a relaxing space surrounded by a soft ambient music. You will leave relaxed and restored.
Training & Qualifications
Owner at Inner Harmony Acupuncture
East Asian Medicine Practitioner licensed by Wa State Department of Health
AcuDetox Specialist licensed by NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association)
WuHsing Tao School of Acupuncture
University of Pharmacy and Medicine "Carol Davilla" Bucharest
Availability & Preferences
Monday through Friday 9 am to 5pm