Spanish Conversation 60 min
I'm offering a 60 minutes conversation session in Spanish on subjects of your preference set up in advance.
At the end of the session, I'll present you with a gift: a PDF with FREE online valuable resources to keep practicing and improving your proficiency of Spanish writing and speaking skills.
What can you expect from a session of 60 minutes of Spanish Conversation?
⚜️ Friendly, empathetic and supportive communication.
⚜️ Active Listening
⚜️ Neuro-linguistic techniques applied to learn fast and easy
After taking this session, You'll be invited to be part of my select group of bilingual Spanish/English speaking friends and colleagues as a courtesy for exchanging with me.
En estos tiempos y con la ayuda de traductores disponibles en internet, aprender un nuevo idioma es FACILISIMO!
Bienvenid@ y Encantada de intercambiar contigo!
Training & Qualifications
I'm a Spanish speaking native from Colombia-South America. I have a master's degree from a well-known university in Medellin-Colombia and I worked in the clerical field for many years before moving to leave in the USA.
Recently, I became a Spanish instructor with Mohave Community College in my city and we're offering the class from the Community Education department called: Easy Conversational Spanish
Availability & Preferences
See and select on my digital scheduling calendar. Availability varies from month to month.