Virtual Physiotherapy Consultation
My services would be useful to people with the following conditions:
Muscle pain (Neck, Back, Arms, Legs)
Joint pain
Post Surgical Condition
Weight reduction
Fitness regimen for a healthy individual.
My services include 30-40 minutes virtual consultation. I will be asking you a couple of questions to help you better. Advice you different exercises and the proper way of doing them. I'll be giving you ergonomic advice. And will recommend you a small portable electrical modality for those suffering from moderate to high pain.
Training & Qualifications
I am a Certified Physical Therapist with 6 years of experience. I have treated and helped many people with their muscle pain and mobility. I was a first runner up for the Nanal Trophy, intercollegiate national competitions in diagnostics and case taking organised by rashtriya shikshan mandal, 2015.
I also received a bronze medal for my research study at AIIMS International conference, 2015.
Availability & Preferences
I can always find time. Telegram me on @ridhzunlimited just incase the app doesn't send me a notification.