Start up Facebook page.
I will set up a Facebook page of your choice and create 1 startup advertisement of 5 dollars total on Facebook for that page of your choice. I will promote it by publishing it on my status to 5,000 of my friends. I will also invite my friends to that page. The page has to be appropriate and not obscene. Pg-13 or below.
You have 3 ways of doing it.
1. You can have me set up that page on your Facebook account.
2. You can have me set that page up on my account.
3. You can have me set that page up using a new Facebook account.
If number 3, I will hand over the account information after page is set up and ad is complete.
If number 2, I will need you to go to the page and like it, so that I may make you an admin of page and hand it off to you from there.
If number 1, you will have to give me your account information so I can go in and set up Facebook page and ad on your Facebook account.
Training & Qualifications
I have experience in creating Facebook pages and ads using my own account and I have reached thousands of people on Facebook.
I previously was a campaign manager and helped to secure a candidate the necessary votes to win the primary using Facebook ads, pages, etc.
Availability & Preferences
Monday through Saturday.