is a talent-exchanging network. More »
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Learning: Other

Hula Hoop Fitness Lesson

Hula Hoop Fitness Lesson

Talk to a Veteran
Simbi is the perfect place for entrepreneurs to exchange their talents in order to help each other!!

Talk to a Veteran

Ask survival preparedness questions
I'm excited to trade my skills and services and look for services that I need in return - outside of the system of traditional money. It's like going back to the basics of bartering and trade, alt...

Ask survival preparedness questions

Learn Texas Hold'em
I am interested in connecting with Open Hearted People and Offering Coaching and Energy Healing. I also like to use it to get services I need like energy healing, help with creating my business ...

Learn Texas Hold'em

Poker Coaching via Skype
The idea of sharing and trading is in my blood. I've dedicated the last four years to a project with similar ambitions to Simbi called JoatU. It's a trade/barter/exchange network for local communit...

Poker Coaching via Skype

Acting Lessons
I dig the idea of trading services. Rather than spending time becoming an expert at everything, I'd love to share what I am an expert in as a resource in exchange for what others are great at, conn...

Acting Lessons

AMA: Transgender Expert
Simbi seems like a great way to make new and interesting connections. I've been interested in the idea of a barter/symbiotic economy for a long time, and am interested in seeing how it works in rea...

AMA: Transgender Expert

Scotch Whisky recommendations
I have always been facinated in barter as an alternative to Capitalism...

Scotch Whisky recommendations

1-hour WW II history lesson
Simbi is a place to me where i can effectively trade services that i happen to be good at with services that you happen to be good at, which cuts out the middle man of money entirely and makes bart...

1-hour WW II history lesson

Ballroom Lessons (Online/Offline)
I hate money. lol But I love the idea of trading skills for skills. I've always used trading skills as a way of gaining skills. I don't think I'll ever stop this practice.

Ballroom Lessons (Online/Offline)

60 minutes coaching for actors

60 minutes coaching for actors

Get started with Bitcoin
Trading small favors for small favors seems much more direct and good use of everyone's time, and lets everyone keep doing what they love!

Get started with Bitcoin

Arduino/etc project help, 20 mins

Arduino/etc project help, 20 mins

Tutoring:- 3D modelling for Maya

Tutoring:- 3D modelling for Maya

Deep Web Guide
I am excited to use Simbi for it's unique exchange of goods and services, as well as using the most of the community around you.

Deep Web Guide

1 hour Excel Pro training.
Free market. Cool services. Adventure

1 hour Excel Pro training.

Fun Intellectual Conversation
I have so many talents that I can't use in my career, and I am excited to learn and grow my skills even further using this economy!

Fun Intellectual Conversation

One hour of genealogical research
I've never met a nicer, more talented, group of barterers.

One hour of genealogical research