Tutoring:- 3D modelling for Maya
Willing to teach 3d modelling using Maya and other supporting programs that support the 3D workflow.
MAYA 2016 or 2017 (free student copies are available for anyone studying at a university)
The willingness to learn.
This will be done over skype as it is often beneficial to see eachouther screens.
Sessions will last 1-2 hours and will cover topics such as:
First time in Maya: Basics and UI.
Best practices: Polygonal hard edge modelling.
Tools Tools Tools: exploring some of the many tools in maya and how to effectively use them.
Texturing and UV: looking at textures and Uv's
Animation 101: A look at how to animate your models and set up scenes for rendering.
Particles and waves: An introduction to Maya dynamics
And much more.
Training & Qualifications
I am a 3d artist with experience working live projects for various organisations.
Availability & Preferences
Most evenings and all day Monday and Thursday.