Help Rehoming Collosal Goldfish
I would never arbitrarily re-home or abandon any pet that I've bonded with and cared for, however I have reached a point with my goldfish, where it is clearly a quality of life issue. I've had said Goldfish since the 2014. It was won in one of the ping pong games at the NC State Fair, by my kid (who has never once helped with tank maintenance) retrospect, why the hell are they giving away live critters.? If cared for they can live up to twenty years,'s not like I had a choice, I'm certainly not going to half ass care for a living thing, basically.....what I now have is a goldfish that is six years old, weighs over five pounds and is about a foot long. I upgrade his tank yearly if money allows,....and as fish tend to do, he has grown. He is currently in a 42 gallon tank I spend nearly three hours a week cleaning the tank and doing water changes. Goldfish put off a lot of waste and eat a lot, so we really go through filters. Really though, the worst of it is, now he grows restless and rams into the glass and jumps out of the water. He needs space. Goldfish can live outdoors in similar filtered ponds as Koi. I need to do some research but the only feasible thing I can think of is to re-home him with a kind hearted fish lover that has a large, established goldfish pond. It is a lovely fish who loves to be petted and played with. I don't want to give it away but rather give him a better life. Even if he only survived a year outdoors, it's got to be better than being confined to a tank for the next ten years. So,.....I am seeking someone in the Durham NC and surrounding area, with an established, filtered , goldfish pond , who will let me visit for a year while the fish gets settled. In turn, I will supply all of your fish food for a year. It's a long shot but ya never know. Thanks for reading this unnecessarily long request.