I Will Write Science Articles
Is your website in need of more science articles? I am enthusiastic to contribute my writing!
Please let me know what topic you want an article on. I can use my previous knowledge depending on how much I know about the topic already, and am willing to do further research using credible sources, such as peer-reviewed scientific journals. I will then deliver a high-quality, scientifically-accurate article for you.
Some topics I have recently written about:
- Marine animals
- Effects of pollution on the ocean
- Sustainability ("going green")
- Maintaining balanced ecosystems
- Animal diseases
- Overpopulation and invasive animal species
- Commercial and recreational fishing
- Deforestation
- Environmental justice
- Nutrition
- Food purchasing guides
- Nature documentary reviews
I can guarantee a minimum of 500 words for any topic I agree to write about. I will keep my tone in line with the intended audience. Finally, I will make sure to cite any outside sources used in my research to ensure that the article contains only accurate information. I will not plagiarize or use any sources without proper credit.
Training & Qualifications
I gained journalism experience from taking journalism in high school and being the editor of the school newspaper. My achievements were recognized when I was inducted into the Quill and Scroll international high school journalism honor society. Now, I am completing a BS in Marine Biology and Sustainable Aquaculture. I have taken various classes that have helped strengthen my scientific background. Because of my coursework, I have learned how to conduct research for scientific articles and correctly cite my sources. I am always eager to learn more if there is something I don't have enough information on. For example, if you ask me to write a review for a documentary I haven't watched yet, I will make the time to watch it and double-check the accuracy of the facts presented in the documentary.