Hey, I'm Barbara!
Miami FL | Member since April 2021
About Barbara J
Hello! My name is Barbara. I am passionate about helping others and would love to use my skills to assist you!
I recently completed my BS in Marine Biology and Sustainable Aquaculture. I am knowledgeable about the general principles of biology, specialized topics such as aquatic animal species and marine ecology, and current environmental crises, including global climate change and pollution.
I enjoy creative writing, especially if it can bring joy to other people as well, and am happy to take your requests into consideration. I write short stories, poetry, and scripts. Once I am presented with a prompt, I am good at coming up with various possibilities based off your idea(s). I view writing for others as a fun and exciting challenge, and enjoy experimenting with a wide variety of genres, moods, and characters.
Please check out my services, or contact me with any questions based off the skills that I mentioned! I will reply as soon as I can. Thank you and look forward to working with you!
- Barbara
Barbara J's Services
Dylanna received unit of I Will Write Science Articles from Barbara
Dylanna received unit of I Will Write Science Articles from Barbara
Miss received unit of I Will Write Science Articles from Barbara
Maria received Help with Watch an unclaimed money video from Barbara
Maria provided unit of Simbi 101 - How to get started FREE for Barbara
Maria received Help with Watch a 1:22 Minute YouTube Video from Barbara
Services Barbara J is looking for:
- Fun & Quirky
- Just for Fun