Creative Vision Strategy | 30 mins
Did you Create a beautiful Vision Board for 2018?
How are you planning on making your Vision a reality?
Lots of people take the time to create Vision Boards with all of their hopes and dreams for the year on them but somehow each year find themselves no where near where they wanted to be by December 31st.
In This session I will Guide you in Making what you need to make your vision a reality!
Together we will asses your:
- 2018 Vision for your Life
- Motivations for making the Vision come alive
- Ideal Road Map for Prioritizing your Vision Everyday
Before you know it you will proudly standing in your vision for your life and Looking forward to a new year full of new beginnings.
I am looking forward to working with you and see all of the elements of your Vision become your Life!
Training & Qualifications
I am a Creative Coach, Community Organizer and Visual Artist.
Everyday I help people to live their most Inspired Creative Lives while at the same time prioritizing JOY....Every Day!
As a Creative Entrepreneur, I got to a point where I said enough is ENOUGH!
I was tired of being so busy but not feeling like I was going anywhere.
I was tired of BURNOUT!
I was ready to GIVE UP!
All because I didn't know that I could design my life the way I wanted it to be, and feel Happy!
If any of that speaks to you, We should work together.
Availability & Preferences
I am available most evenings and Weekends.