Make your favorite box into a book
If you mail me a flattened box (cereal, vhs, tape, trading cards, snacks) I will make it into a book. It must be a cardstock thickness but not a cardboard thickness. It will have about 35 white pages and a metal binding. I will bind one box into a book no more then 8.5x11 inches big or 4 trading cards (one card front and one card back) into 2 small notebooks. I will have to crop bigger boxes but I will not take out to much of the fun stuff. Then I will mail it back to you. This may take a little bit to mail back and forth so please consider the time.
Training & Qualifications
I have a paper cutter and book binder. I have made lots and lots of these notebooks.
Availability & Preferences
My schedule is always changing. Just ask me.