Upcycling Advice
Resourcefulness is a virtue that heals the planet and the wallet! Most of what we buy in the store could be made from the things we throw away (for free or seriously cheap.) If you want advice or insight into converting your cardboard boxes, plastic bags, candle holders, broken headphones and dilapidated ponytail holders into furniture, jewelry, clothes and more than why not reach out for some upcycling advice!
I'll give you a consultation where we'll discuss the products you want to create, typically throw away, or need some creative insight to complete. We'll go over any allergies, sensitivities, scale, space, or other needs and restrictions and address the best ways to work with them. Depending on your needs we can meet regularly to develop and create new projects or after the consultation I can provide you with written guidelines and help points that will enable you to hit the ground running on your own.
Training & Qualifications
I am an avid upcycler and systems thinker who compulsively converts at home waste into usable items. Environmentalism is in my bones and has fueled much art and teaching work.
I've worked with groups like the Urban Pond Procession, City Arts Providence and pop up project Urban Coastal Dance as a teaching artist and choreographer integrating environmental awareness into arts education and performance.
I've also done lots of activism work with groups like Greenpeace, Clean Water Action, and Forests Forever as a face to face fundraiser and as a volunteer.
I am collaborating as a designer on a line of purses and skirts made from recycled materials that will launch in LA sometime in 2020 or 2021
Availability & Preferences
Afternoons and evenings