Income vs Debt Consult
Are you the organized/planner/detail/checklist type but haven't had a chance to organize or plan your financial life? Buried in debt? Overdrafted a handful of times too many? Want to save some pennies? Pay off a credit card or 2? Need a way to visualize your financial life weeks, months... YEARS down the road? Run me through your current financial life, when you pay, what you pay, and who you pay.... I'll jam all that info in to a magical Excel Spreadsheet that will organize your pennies and let you keep yourself from going negative.
I've saved folks thousands of dollars and dozens of years of debt by just giving them a way to SEE their money in action. I personally have a good idea of what my money will be doing in 2019 and I won't be negative before then. (I stopped at 2019 because I dont know what will change between now and then... Raise? Rent? Kids? Just a few of many things that can kink a plan. Let's get our heads on our shoulders and give you a way to see tough times coming well before they hit you.
This is not a ELIMINATE DEBT / DEBT CONSOLIDATION / BANKRUPTCY option... I mean in the end you'll do whatever makes you feel best about the situation, I'm just trying to get your situation recorded in a way that will help you see some daylight at the end of the brutal debt tunnel.
Note: Spreadsheet will be as sleek and simple as possible however if you've got umpteen billion different situations going on it'll get tricky quick. Let me take a look. We'll email/message back and forth until I've got all of your financial details/thoughts down and then I'll get to work on cobbling a solution together for you.
I don't want this to be uncomfortable for you, I'm not going to nitpick your spending or judge what you bought for who that one time you were drunk BUT I am going to ask for ALL information from the time your paycheck hits your hands to every official monthly bill/debt you have and when it's due and what you pay on it.
*** AT NO POINT EVER will I ask you for personal security related details. I want nothing to do with your social security number, address, your bank account #s, PIN #s. I don't even want your full name if you don't want to give it to me. NOT MY BUSINESS. ***
Training & Qualifications
I've been juggling a week to week paycheck for years, numerous jobs, various bills and used to carry some hellish credit card debt. Since wrapping my mind around some basic equations and putting my MS Office skills to use I've eliminated thousands of dollars of debt for myself and others.
Availability & Preferences
Nights and weekends mostly.