Fidget consultation
I'll help you find the perfect fidgets to keep your hands busy and not participating in your BFRB.
These disorders are harder to recover from than a heroine addiction that doesn't kill you. Many body focussed repetitive behaviors have a deep root in the sensory system and busy hands cannot pick or pull. Think " idle hands are the devil's playground". I'm not religious but this quote really sticks with me when it comes to my dermatillomania ( the skin picking disorder) BFRBs also include hair pulling, nail biting, skin chewing, nose picking etc. Obviously there are innocent amounts of these habits and amounts that seriously affect your life.
Tell me some things your sensory system likes and I'll scour the internet and Amazon for items you can use top keep your hands busy
Fidget can be almost anything from those kush balls to thimbles, silly putty, slinkys, and so much more!
Training & Qualifications
A constant fidgeter and currently working through my own BFRB disorder.
I've been in group therapy program for this disorder for over a year and while I still have much work to do, I've made significant progress.
Availability & Preferences