Draw Your Fursona (2+ Characters)
I will draw (or attempt to draw) your fursonas for you! I am currently just starting out, so as much detail in your description as possible would be a huge help. For example, if your fursona is a fox, let me know if it is a red fox or a fennec fox, or some other type of fox, so I have some reference for what you are expecting. If you want it coloured, I will need to know what colours your fursona is. "Palette Challenge" Palettes are very welcome.
All images are drawn traditionally and scanned into my computer with an Epson scanner. You have an option of traditionally coloured (pencil crayon, marker, or ink) or digitally coloured (solid, no shading). I also offer another service with reduced prices for uncoloured requests.
This service is for multiple character requests only, but I have another service for available for single characters. I do charge more simbi for that service, as it is quite a bit more difficult. I charge 20 simbi for 2 characters, +5 for any additional characters. I also offer another service with reduced prices for uncoloured requests.
Training & Qualifications
I've been drawing on and off for a long time, but I've only just started drawing furry art and considering it a possible option for making money. I am doing my best to practice, and I really hope to get good!
Availability & Preferences
I'm usually free on Sundays and Mondays. I usually work every other day of the week, but depending on my energy levels I might be able to draw a bit after work.