FORTUNE Top 10 Female Entrepreneur
As a CPA and award-winning serial entrepreneur, I enjoy working with women to create and grow their own uniquely profitable businesses - typically building something from nothing - as quickly as possible. There's nothing better than building an amazing business with nearly no money and proving that a woman can change her world and ours through sheer willpower because we are each so uniquely gifted and talented but we don't realize our gifts can actually make us money. That thing that comes easy to you and you take for granted is likely the EXACT thing that can make you an amazing owner of your own business!
Training & Qualifications
I am a CPA with a business degree from Georgetown University (1992). In addition, I attended Harvard Business School.
Availability & Preferences
ADD means I'm free at all sorts of normal as well as odd hours. So just ping me when you're ready and I'll get back to you ASAP.