Ask an Anarchist
With the political climate at critical mass, it is time to have the conversation. Why do we need the state? What purpose does it serve, and does it fulfill the mandate? Is the state obsolete? If so, what can replace it? Does it need replacement?
This conversation will focus on American politics, but that is not to exclude world events/politics as well. The discussion will be geared towards the moral and ethical implications of the state, as well as the logical dilemma of the concept of government in general. I'd like you to come with at least five opening questions for or about anarchy. From there, we can discuss each point, or you can ask more questions.
I believe the discussion will greatly depend on your current level of understanding of history, politics, money, property, and anarchy in general. Don't feel like you need to be an expert on any of these things...No one is. I like to discuss many advanced ideas, but in order to get there, sometimes we need to address the basic roots and fundamentals first.
Let's get together on Skype or Google Hangouts and talk about REAL freedom and independence.
Training & Qualifications
I have been an Anarchist for about two years now. Before that I was a constitutionalist libertarian, and even before that, your typical conservative Republican. I come from a family with a great political divide in general. Now I am the outcast and extremist that unites the two sides together against me.
I've taken classes in communication and debate, as well as the Socratic method (which is used 100% of the time in our discussions). I've studied American history for years, as well as learning the origins and background of our legal system.
Availability & Preferences
Weekends and week nights. (US Central Time)
Saturday: 1:00pm-6:00pm
Sunday: 8:00am-6:00pm
Mon-Fri: 6:00pm-8:00pm