3-Card Past/Present/Future Spread
New to Tarot? Don't know if you believe yet? Want to just test it out to see if it works before you commit to a larger purchase? Just need a quick insight to a question you've already received a larger reading on?
The 3-Card Past/Present/Future Spread is perfect for you! I will draw 3-Cards:
I. The Present
This card represents what is going on with you currently and how you feel about the present situation.
II. The Past
This card represents an event that occurred int he past that is affecting the question and the present situation.
III. The Future
This card represents the outcome and what the near future has in store for The Querent.
Sessions last up to 15 minutes. As always, I do not need to know your question beforehand to divine. In fact I prefer it! Readings are done over Facebook Messenger, Skype, or any other chat service that is free to download. If you add me to Facebook I will be available for up to two weeks after the reading to ask any followup questions / comments / concerns or offer any other elucidations about anything that was ambiguous in your reading.
Training & Qualifications
I have been reading the Tarot for 20+ years. I'm a 31 year old male from Redlands, CA. I studied Buddhism, Spirituality, Mysticism, Religion, and Tarot at University of California: Berkeley and all throughout my life. I have my Associates in Sociology from Crafton Hills College. I have diviner's blood in me as my great grandfather was a curandero. I am into all things geek culture such as Dungeons & Dragons, Magic: the Gathering, Hearthstone, LEGO, and Video Games. I love dogs and all animals and have worked extensively in the LGBT community as a leader and advocate.
Availability & Preferences
All-day Weekdays