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Freelance writer


60 per hour - Virtual OK - Posted Nov 07, 2017

I am an experienced writer, I do not have any degrees but I have written descriptions, blogs and comments that have been very appreciated. Some individuals may want someone who has a bunch of degrees but in reality you want someone with great ideas, that is very creative, funny, open minded and willing to learn. A lot of problems companies have when they hire an older individual with many degrees is they are “set in their ways” they are going to stick to their opinion and that can mess up your whole outlook. You have an image your image. I won’t stifle you, I will fuel your ideas! I help the tree of life grow, I don’t cut it down and try to glue on leaves that aren’t even the same color as the tree! I am neutral in every situation if you want me to believe in what your saying, I’m listening! I am going through this life with my ears open to information, all information. If you want me to give me opinion I can, but I absolutely run it by you first! I have many reviews on simbi complimenting my creativity!

Training & Qualifications


Availability & Preferences

When I'm not fulfilling orders or doing college work

Trading Preference: I’m flexible, just hit me up!

Reviews of Rachel

Dylanna received hour of Freelance writer from Rachel
Feb 02, 2022
Rachel, as always, is a gem. She's punctual, creative, and personable. Always a pleasure working with!!
Jason received hour of Freelance writer from Rachel
Jul 22, 2021
Always great to deal with.
Dylanna received hour of Freelance writer from Rachel
Jun 15, 2021
Rachel has been a fantastic writer for I've been able to increase my content output quite a bit. Thank you so much!!
Dylanna received hour of Freelance writer from Rachel
May 08, 2021
Rachel did a fantastic job and it's exactly what I need. Thank you again!
Inactive User
Inactive User received hour of Freelance writer from Rachel
Jun 18, 2019
Such a pleasure to work with Rachel. She has wonderful ideas and is helping me quite a lot to make my services better understood. I look forward to w...orking with her again. show more
Inactive User
Inactive User received hour of Freelance writer from Rachel
Jun 15, 2019
Rachel was friendly and really great to work with. She did a wonderful job and gave me great advice about how to improve my service. Thank you, Rache...l! show more
Jade received hour of Freelance writer from Rachel
Apr 06, 2019
Rachel is well written and creative! Love working together and hearing her ideas.
Ellen received hour of Freelance writer from Rachel
Apr 01, 2019
Very sweet and fun to work with!
MR received hour of Freelance writer from Rachel
Oct 04, 2018
Thank You, Rachel your work is appreciated.
Ellen received hour of Freelance writer from Rachel
Sep 20, 2018


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

Rachel's other services

Bunny thoughts
I am excited to use simbi because I love helping people and I love trading 😊. Simbi is a website individuals can come to with an open mind. They are not judged by their social class, they are free ...

Bunny thoughts

Creativity advice
I am excited to use simbi because I love helping people and I love trading 😊. Simbi is a website individuals can come to with an open mind. They are not judged by their social class, they are free ...

Creativity advice

What you believe card!
I am excited to use simbi because I love helping people and I love trading 😊. Simbi is a website individuals can come to with an open mind. They are not judged by their social class, they are free ...

What you believe card!

Rachel's requests

Rachel is requesting
Looking for simbians to promote
I am going to host a simbi party and I would like to gather a list together of awesome simbians!

I am excited to use simbi because I love helping people and I love trading 😊. Simbi is a website individuals can come to with an open mind. They are not judged by their social class, they are free ...
Rachel is requesting
Spending Simbi
Hi I have a good bit of Simbi and would like to spend it on either recipes, art shipped in the mail or anything interesting please let me know what you have in mind!

I am excited to use simbi because I love helping people and I love trading 😊. Simbi is a website individuals can come to with an open mind. They are not judged by their social class, they are free ...
Rachel is requesting
Around the world packages
For my around the world packages I am looking for the following Countries I still need : - Italy - France - Ireland - Hawii - Jamaica - Australia - Brazil - Chile - Colombia - Cuba - C...

I am excited to use simbi because I love helping people and I love trading 😊. Simbi is a website individuals can come to with an open mind. They are not judged by their social class, they are free ...

About Rachel Rabalais

I love Simbi! I was skeptical about it at first but now I love it! I love to help people and it always makes me feel accomplished. Everyone's happy, nice and ready to help. I am in college my major is... psychology and my minor is criminal justice. I love animals especially fish. I have 6 Axolotls (Princess- dirty Lucy with two different colored eyes one green and one blue, James- gfp albino with iriphadores, Jesse- dirty Lucy, olive- Wildtype with gold flakes, sparky- dark black melanoid, and Luna- copper) siren salamander Sigmund , 2 German Shepards Max and Sophia, a maltipoo named tetaw, a cat named Sammy , 2 bunnies named mocha and peanut butter , and a horse named lightning. I love to write/read/reasearch! I've been with my fiancé for 6 years! .show more

Open to other proposals
Rachel Rabalais is looking for:
  • Fun & Quirky
  • Ask Me Anything
  • Classes & Webcasts
  • Cooking
  • Food
  • Writing & Editing
  • Business
  • Legal
  • Travel
  • Life Coaching
  • Health Care
  • Wellness
  • Acupuncture
  • Yoga
  • Art & Design