Herbal Consultation, up to 2 hours
Hi there, I am a certified herbalist and am offering your initial herbal consultation up to 2 hours. During your consult, we will discuss any concerns over health or wellness that you have, prior and current symptoms and traumas. And then we will work on getting you on a healing path. Often times when traditional western medicine fails, people look for alternatives and this can be one of them. Please be aware that this is not a substitute for medical advice and you should never begin a new diet program or stop any current medications, or programs prior to discussing all things with your primary care physician. Herbal remedies are not fda approved and should be used at your own risk. Using any recommended advice or herbal preparations is your choice, and I am not liable for any negative effects from you undertaking that choice.
Training & Qualifications
I am a certified herbalist and aromatherapist with a focus on true whole holistic healing for mind body and soul
Availability & Preferences
my schedule is open and flexible and I am absolutely ready to meet your needs and schedule what works best for you