Hey, I'm Dale!
Birmingham AL | Member since August 2016
About Dale Schaefer
I have had a career in the printing industry since I was a wee little lad. I specialize in the skill of sticking different layers together; we call this laminating. For a while, we did over 40 million refrigerator magnets a year for AT&T telephone directories. This was great fun, but when was the last time you "Let your fingers do the walking through the Yellow Pages"? Now I just make magnets for fun!
Dale Schaefer's Services
Dale Schaefer's Products
Inactive User bought Trunk Bay Magnet Postcard from Dale
Inactive User bought St John church Magnet Postcard from Dale
Ally sold Random Photo Edit to Dale
Sean bought Tolkien Quote Magnet Postcard from Dale
Services Dale Schaefer is looking for:
- Experiences
- Fun & Quirky
- Business
- Art & Design