Talk to a Survivor
My name is Nate and I'm a survivor of appendicitis, stroke, loss, and catastrophic injury. I am here to help others going through hard times or simply to talk to others that want to hear my stories or share their own.
I survived appendicitis that ruptured and proceeded to peritonitis and had to have a couple feet of small intestines removed. I was lucky to make it to my 17th birthday.
I survived 4 major strokes at the age of 30 while I was in some of the best condition of my life. It took 4 hospitals and almost 2 weeks to figure out what was wrong with me. I couldn't walk for weeks or see straight for months.
I survived the loss of my younger brother just this past year, and believe me that was no less difficult than the strokes.
I survived falling ten feet off a ladder, severely breaking both of my forearms (it would have been my neck) just this August.
I've been through a lot more too. Sinus surgery and weekly allergy shot regimen, precancerous skin removed from my eyelids, divorce, job loss, and mental abuse by someone I loved. Through it all, and it got pretty dark at times, I have risen up by focusing on the positive and through the support of loved ones, a day at a time.
If you are going through dark times and need someone to talk with, I can phone, facetime, skype, or something similar. I prefer to talk rather than type. This can be combined with my Farm Tour if you are so inclined.
Training & Qualifications
I am a survivor. I have been through a lot in 41 years of life. Much of the rough stuff happened in the last ten years, so it's all pretty fresh. I think the description says enough to get us talking. I prefer to talk on the phone or over a video. I type all day for work.
Availability & Preferences
Most Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays during the day EST until I am cleared to return to work. Schedule to change following a new job.