Potty trained from birth? Talk EC
Did you know that from birth babies tell you when they need to eliminate? And they could use your help. You don't have to teach them to pee/poop into diapers and they don't have to learn to ignore their elimination needs until they are 3 years old. You can be attuned to their needs even closer then you thought before. Would you like to talk about this or any other aspects of attachment parenting?
Let's talk, how about 30 minutes or so?
(sorry, I don't have my own picture to place with this offer)
PS examples of other aspects of attachment parenting: breastfeeding, co-sleeping, baby-wearing, "no baby food", no "cry it out"... overall, it's listening to your baby and being close... doing things the way Nature intended. I can also share what cloth diapers I used, and some pluses and minuses of those, as well as tips.
Training & Qualifications
I am a parent of 3. EC-ed all of them (all were done with diapers, which were used minimally, by age 15 months). I read Ingrid Bauer before my first child was born :).
EC stands for Elimination Communication
Availability & Preferences
I have a busy, but flexible schedule, send me a PM.