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Potty trained from birth? Talk EC


5 per session - Virtual OK - Posted Jul 13, 2017

Did you know that from birth babies tell you when they need to eliminate? And they could use your help. You don't have to teach them to pee/poop into diapers and they don't have to learn to ignore their elimination needs until they are 3 years old. You can be attuned to their needs even closer then you thought before. Would you like to talk about this or any other aspects of attachment parenting?

Let's talk, how about 30 minutes or so?

(sorry, I don't have my own picture to place with this offer)

PS examples of other aspects of attachment parenting: breastfeeding, co-sleeping, baby-wearing, "no baby food", no "cry it out"... overall, it's listening to your baby and being close... doing things the way Nature intended. I can also share what cloth diapers I used, and some pluses and minuses of those, as well as tips.

Training & Qualifications

I am a parent of 3. EC-ed all of them (all were done with diapers, which were used minimally, by age 15 months). I read Ingrid Bauer before my first child was born :).

EC stands for Elimination Communication

Availability & Preferences

I have a busy, but flexible schedule, send me a PM.

Trading Preference: I’m flexible, just hit me up!

Reviews of Nadezhda

Nov 29, 2023
Nadezhda is so helpful, encouraging and responsive! I really look forward to continuing to get to know them!
Oct 17, 2019
She is very knowledgeable and awesome at sharing really specific details and giving advice!!! I am so grateful for her sharing. She is wonderful!
Aug 28, 2019
Nadezhda is very friendly and has great information to share! Thank you so much :)
Sep 18, 2019
Inactive User
Inactive User received session of Potty trained from birth? Talk EC from Nadezhda
Mar 19, 2018
Nadezhda is wonderful to work with. She knows a lot about EC training. She has experience and head knowledge about how to EC train a child. I highly r...ecommend this for soon to be moms, current mom's or just curious people who don't know anything about EC training for a child. This is a very useful tool for bonding with your infant!! Thank you, lady!!show more
Christian received session of Potty trained from birth? Talk EC from Nadezhda
Sep 21, 2017
Incredibly helpful and full of wisdom. I feel much more ready to try EC again after our talk. Highly recommend chatting with her!
Inactive User
Inactive User received session of Potty trained from birth? Talk EC from Nadezhda
Jul 28, 2017
Thank you ! I actually really needed this! You're very patient lol
Jun 13, 2023
Nadezha is a very attentive, caring healer whose grace and compassion is tangible.. I highly recommend her services for those open to healing becoming... more self-aware and self-compassionate. show more
Jun 08, 2023
Nadya delivered a session of Faster EFT for me. She gently held the space while I released some emotional tension that had been building for quite som...e time. The results exceeded my expectations. Highly recommend you try out 🤍🌸⭐️show more
Maria provided Help with Create relaxing music for me or... for Nadezhda
Jul 06, 2021
Great person, very straightforward and kind


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

Nadezhda's other services

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About Nadezhda Anikeev

I am a life coach, stress expert, consultant and more. I work with people's feelings and emotions, helping them with pretty much any personal problems they might have – physical and emotional health, ...fears, traumas, weight issues, relationship issues, grief and loss, bad habits, and much more. Although it's not the only one, I use tapping as my main instrument. I work with people one on one in person, via Skype (and other internet tools) and sometimes over the phone. A typical session lasts about 2 hours, but I've had many that lasted less than an hour too – mostly depends on what we agreed on with the client. I am teaching seminars, workshops, and webinars as well. I work in English or Russian, fluent in both. I am also mom to 3 kids, with all of them I practice(d) attachment parenting and what could probably be called a [very] holistic approach. With all we had/practiced: homebirth, breastfeeding and self-weaning, co-sleeping, baby-wearing, EC-ing, "no baby food" and more. Before I went into studying FasterEFT.... in backward chronological order my interests were: nutrition, healthy habits and lifestyle choices; organic farming; baby care (attachment/natural style); natural childbirth; and before that I was a software engineer for a pretty short time (graduated in 2004 and got pregnant same year). So besides my Path to Wellness business, right now there are 3 homeschooled kids to take care of (lots of driving and planning :))), tons of laundry :)) ), a house to clean, lots of cooking from scratch (they only eat out couple times a year and I don't eat out) and hot lunch packing (for husband mostly), a small garden with a small compost pile and a small worm farm. show more

Open to other proposals
Nadezhda Anikeev is looking for:
  • Children
  • Children's Activities
  • Children's Lessons
  • Handyman services
  • Website Consulting
  • Language Lessons
  • Learning
  • Music Lessons
  • Tutoring & Mentoring
  • Marketing
  • Accounting & Bookkeeping
  • Cleaning
  • Home
  • Gardening
  • Sports Coaching
  • Personal Training
  • Dance
  • Yoga
  • Fitness
  • Photography