Offensive Jokes
New takes on crude jokes. Just let me know if you have any limits before I deliver! I can also give multiples, so don't be afraid to hit me up for more than one! Just no more than five at a time, please!
I've got dead babies, blonde jokes, racist jokes, jokes based around religion, and more. I'll pick jokes at random (except that I probably won't send dead baby jokes to people who have or have lost a child unless that person requests them), and then I'll share them!
Training & Qualifications
I am awesome. My jokes are hilarious and awful, and I try to pick a joke to tell based on profiles. I usually try to avoid dead baby jokes for people who have kids, unless they say they want one. I'm here for fun, not to piss people off.
Availability & Preferences
I get emailed when I get a message, so I'll hop on ASAP to answer!