One B&W/Color Pencil Tattoo Design
Simply tell me what you would like to see, such as black and white, color, any reference pictures or designs etc. I can do pencil or color, but it will be a scanned sketch you can then take and use as you please. Will be original artwork, not copied or stolen! So it will be guaranteed to be something different. You can use it to hang on your wall or as a gift. The only thing I ask is to not reproduce as your own, or sell. Beyond that, the design is yours. One design per order.
Will sketch a design first for approval, will try to get what you want best as I can, but once I've done the sketch and we agree, I will color (if required) and ink it in, then send again. I would prefer no edits at that point. Will be willing to do small to medium designs, with mild to medium complexity. I will try to be fair. If it feels like I can't do it, I will not make you pay. I only ask you be fair to my sketches and do the same.
Training & Qualifications
I am a studying art major with several art classes under my belt.
Art History, 2-D and 3-D art classes completed.
Several years of drawing, painting, sculpting and other work completed. Have worked in many different mediums and subjects.
Availability & Preferences
Weekdays 10a-10p