structured 7 day fitness plan
In my capacity ACE Certified Personal Trainer I will create a customized structured fitness routine crafted tailored to your fitness goals based on your lifestyle, strengths, motivations, Possible/ known obstacles including, but not limited to including small children, limited time, social anxiety. Your 7 day plan also includes a three tier advancement modification plan to ensure your continued progress towards your desired results that we've broken into Tagible, totally achievable goals using the S.M.A.R.T (an effective goal must be: Specific-Measurable-Attainable-Relevent- Time bound) method. As a woman who's lost over 100lbs, had a baby, I've got first hand experience with challenges, both physical and psychological, that come with lasting physical transformations. I am a passionate dedicated Trainer who finds nothing more rewarding the helping others achieve the same results as I did. It's NOT impossible, it's NOT only achievable for certain people, it's READY AND WAITING FOR YOU TO SNATCH IT UP AND OWN IT!!! If you want to know more about me visit my website at!
Training & Qualifications
ACE Certified Personal Trainer (ACE is a NCCS accredited certification ensuring the highest standards in the industry. ACE Certified fitness professionals can be verified through
I am passionate about my career as a trainer because I know what it's like to have 100lbs to lose. I've lost mine and kept it off. Would you hire a contractor to build your house if you knew he's only ever read about building one? Then why would you go to a trainer who's only read about the trials of losing major weight? They have the tecnical knowledge but experience is still the most reliable qualification.
Availability & Preferences
Flexible though live consultations are done between 10am and 2pm pst.