Hey, I'm Don!
Denver CO | Member since February 2017
About Don Cooper
As a tenured Professor in Neuroscience and my experience teaching Neuropharmacology to residents in the Psychiatry Department at UTSW medical center it became clear that this service was needed. In general US doctors do not spend time updating their knowledge-base of the mechanism of action, side effects and drug/genetics interactions. In fact, much of their information/education comes from the pharmaceutical companies that market to them and their patients. Often times drug are requested by the patients themselves and most Psychiatrists comply with patient requests. Consequently, the wrong drugs at the wrong doses are prescribed without a full consideration of the patient's unique genetic background and history.
My goal has been to help educate people about how the brain processes information. I received my Ph.D at Chicago Medical School in 2000. I did a 4 year postdoctoral fellowship in Neurophysiology at Northwestern University. I spent 4 years as an Assistant Professor at UTSW medical center in the Psychiatry Department. I received Tenure as an Associate Professor at the University of Colorado, Boulder in 2011.
I have been researching Neurophysiology/Neuropharmacologist for over 20 years specializing in memory and attentional systems and how they are influenced by dopamine neurotransmission. I have been awarded ~ 2 Million in NIH grants as principal investigator. Bill and Melinda Gates Grand Challenge Explorations Awardee ~ 1 Million. Young Investigator award from National Association for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD). ~45 publications in top journals Cell, Science, Nature Neuroscience.
I am founder of Mobile Assay Inc www.mobileassay.com to use mobile devices as analytical instruments for health and agriculture pathogen diagnosis. My diagnostics company is operating in over 15 countries working with the CDC and national programs to fight disease.
Don Cooper's Services
Don Cooper's Requests
Emily provided unit of Engineering and Science for Don
Susan left review for Don
Sumeet received hour of Neuropharmacology Consult from Don
Ioannis received hour of Neuropharmacology Consult from Don
Inactive User received hour of Neuropharmacology Consult from Don
Services Don Cooper is looking for:
- Learning
- Marketing
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- Art & Design