Tip Jar
This is absolutely not expected, but if you're feeling generous, and you loved the service(s) I provided, I would be happy to accept a simbi tip. I've seen others do this and I thought it was a great idea.
To me, it's more about knowing that people were really satisfied with my service than about getting extra simbi (though of course, getting the extra simbi is nice). I always try to go above and beyond what I promised in my service(s), and I always try to ensure that the person with whom I'm trading is satisfied. I do this because I feel it's the way business should be done, not because I would like a tip. However, I will not say no if you would like to give me one :)
So, if you loved my service(s) and feel like "tipping," this is the place to do it.
Thank you for your consideration, and again, there's absolutely no obligation to provide a tip.
Training & Qualifications
I always try to go above and beyond with my services for fellow Simbi members. I do this because I think that's how business should be done, not because I expect a tip. However, if you feel so inclined, I would be happy to accept one. So far, everyone has been happy with the services I provided, and I'm always looking to improve my services and interactions with other members.
Availability & Preferences
My schedule is flexible, but I have three children and run my own business, so it may take me a couple of days to respond.