I'm looking someone willing to do pedicures weekly for 1 to 3 people. Mobile preferred but I'm willing to come to you!
I'm looking someone willing to do pedicures weekly for 1 to 3 people. Mobile preferred but I'm willing to come to you!
I love to prep food, cook, can, bake, ferment, brew kombucha, garden and watch people enjoy the food my hands made! I also, knit, crochet and enjoy reading about ancient technology. I'm crazy about... building local community and I've been having the time of my life since moving to Spokane September 2015! The time is now for me to give everything I've got to experience all that I can before it's all over. There is great hope that we can beat the clock on this dead horse of an economy to create resilient relationships to meet our needs. As dollars, pesos, Yuan, etc. tank, you, me and Simbi are on the rise!show more
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