I can groom your dog like a pro!
50 per unit - OK - Posted Sep 18, 2016
I can fully groom your pup to make them look like a show dog! I am a professional dog groomer of over 15 years and can offer a full groom which includes a bath, nail trim, deep ear cleaning and glands expressed! I do this service from my home and only one appointment ato a time to keep it private and personal! I can also teach you how to groom your pup virtually and show you what tools to use and how to is them!
Reviews of Lisa
Mike received unit of I can groom your dog like a pro! from Lisa
Sep 29, 2016
Lisa is so cool! My little puppy looks fantastic. I will definitely be coming back.
Mike received Help with Want to star in a Youtube video? from Lisa
Sep 29, 2016
Thanks for letting me record my doggy's haircut!