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Laura is requesting

Bee Hotel construction


50 for fulfilling my request - - Posted Mar 16, 2022

Hi all, I would really like to hang a small hotel for solitary bees or other pollinators in my (beginning) garden this year. I just don't have the time, skills or tools to make it myself. I think. Anyone out there able to craft one for me?

I got the idea from (search mason bee house, simbi isn't letting me put the address in this field because it has numbers in the url) if that helps illustrate what I'm looking for.


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

Laura's services

Developmental Editing
I love the idea of trading our talents & skills more directly than modern capitalism affords.

Developmental Editing

I love the idea of trading our talents & skills more directly than modern capitalism affords.


A Loaf of Bread
I love the idea of trading our talents & skills more directly than modern capitalism affords.

A Loaf of Bread

About Laura B

I'm a Cataloging Librarian working to make federal documents findable at the FDIC who is excited to help out and meet neighbors. I write, edit, play role-playing games on an actual play podcast (Techn...ical Difficulties Gaming Podcast), play boardgames, and even, sometimes, when the stars align, get to read new books. I'm very good at breaking down tasks and making lists, as well as organizing 'stuff'. Fair warning, I'm owned by a cat and am usually covered in some amount of cat hair/dander. I may also break out in pictures of my kiddo or start talking in nerd. Usually about books, but sometimes RPG systems. The games, not the more

Open to other proposals
Laura B is looking for:
  • Maintenance
  • Handyman services
  • Bike Maintenance
  • Language Lessons
  • Fresh Produce
  • Cooking
  • Food
  • Writing & Editing
  • Gardening
  • Tailoring & Sewing
  • Custom Art
  • Art & Design