Your Spiritual GPS
Are your bookshelves full of spiritual self-help books that you wish you’d actually read because you’re sure the answer to what you’re up against is in there somewhere? Do you find yourself wishing you had a personal intuitive who could be on hand to tell you all the right things to do to make 2018 awesome?
What if you had your OWN firm foundation of confidence and trust from which you could access your truth quickly, precisely and accurately in all the situations life presents?
What if you could:
++Have your NO stand on its own without feeling the need to explain.
++Be protected within your own guidance.
++Shorten your loop of trial and error.
++Cut through the sea of advice on all levels and find what is right for you.
++Maintain your own internal authority when faced with doctors, experts, leaders.
++Better navigate your unique self through a world that has been designed for an average that doesn’t exist.
++Stop exhausting yourself with excess effort.
++Quickly determine what is most important right now.
++Declutter quickly, rather than going through every single item and getting emotionally exhausted.
++Feel deeply held and guided through the mundane and profound challenges of life.
++Live from Divine guidance rather than the expectations of others and yourself.
++Unravel the gifts in life-long patterns that have frustrated you.
++Be more joyful, easily let go of what is no longer serving you.
++Do only the things that are a wholehearted YES for you.
++Experience miraculous encounters, opportunities and situations on the regular.
++Be in alignment and flow through your life
I’m here to say all of this is so possible for you and much, much more.
In this offer I will give you access to a mini course {3 videos + a workbook} so you can learn how to do this for yourself. My clients tell me it is the most fundamentally useful, transformational and consistently used tool they have.
If you would like to take your practice of this skill further, you can see my offer “Experience Your Inner GPS” where I provide accompaniment as an energetic sounding board as you practice your new skill and set you on the course to confidently access your own truth.
You have the innate ability to access trustworthy guidance for every moment of your life. I empower you to develop this ability so it becomes your first nature.
Training & Qualifications
I have been learning and teaching women to tune into their spiritual guidance system for the last decade. It is something I think about in deep and nuanced ways. I have used my own spiritual GPS to guide my actions around the most important and impactful decisions of my life as well as well as using it daily to both delight and reassure myself. Each day I am grateful I have access to this tool that helps me flourish within my own divine design.
Availability & Preferences