HOMESICK First Year College support
Going away to college can be STRESSFUL. Really. I was very depressed my first year away from home even thought I was excited to do it.
I had no friends at first, no idea what I wanted to do with my life, no idea what direction to go in, or what to eat for dinner.
I would love to talk through things with you (chat, email, whatever) to help make the transition better for you.
Each "session" will be 4 emails: one from you explaining your situation, one from me with follow up questions, 3rd email = your response. 4th email = longer email from me with my "advice."
Training & Qualifications
I was a Freshmen Mentor when I was a sophomore, and a Resident Assistant (RA) in my dorm for my junior and senior year. I went through a rough patch for the 1st year and half, and I've led many roommate remediations / de-escalations.