How to use Windows 10
I will help you learn the basics of Windows 10 for a new pc user or someone who is looking to know every nook and cranny that system has.
This can or may include...
Using the task manager
Opening programs
Restarting the computer
Checking for updates
Making it faster
Making a shortcut
Finding a missing file
Changing your theme or colors
Using your free virus protector
Changing your default browser
Deleting or recovering a deleted file from your recycling bin.
Attaching one or more emails to the build In mail service.
Attaching your Facebook during the free app
Downloading, running, installing or removing apps during the windows store.
How to use Cortana. Who is Cortana? Getting rid of Cortana?
How to change where the sound comes from
How to change where your voice comes from
How to optimize a laptops power reserves
Ask if you have a question not on this list I'm sure I would be able to help.
Training & Qualifications
I have been working with Windows based computer since Windows 95 and learned how Windows works from the back bone and when Windows 10 released if been using it nonstop since.
I have years of computer experience.
Availability & Preferences
Free frequently every day.