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Advise from a color enthusiast


1 per visit - Virtual OK - Posted Mar 28, 2017

I will assist you on picking colors for ANY scenario. Have it be your next painting, or your nails, everything from Photography advice to what clothes to wear or what color of counter top to get. I will give my honest and best opinion to my ability.

I have spent many hours in Photoshop and like programs tweaking and playing with all sorts of Different photos. I am by no means a graphic designer or an artist, I just really love color and can give advice for colors that will match well together in many ways, do you want it to flow nicely together? Have certian elements pop nicely or even hide a few of those unsightly flaws with the right color and/or texture.

I have some experience with beauty and helping choose the color of your nails or eye makeup. Want to change it up, but don't quite know what to try? I've helped many friends with this same problem.

Are you thinking about painting your house and want that color that will just make it so much easier to relax and unwind in your living room? Or maybe your office space needs a little coat of paint to help your mood and focus while you spend those many hours typing away infront of the screen.

What ever your needs, color is around us every day and I LOVE giving advice.dont hesitate, contact me now. Advice is on a pay what you want or exchange basis.

I am very interested in color and am often willing to give my advice for free just to experience a new scenario to think about.

Training & Qualifications

I have been studying colors and the way they interact with and behave together for over 5 years. Colors really interest me and I feel I have an "outside the box" flavor at times. Sometimes, something a little bit different can be good.

Availability & Preferences

Evenings EST

Trading Preference: I’m flexible, just hit me up!

Reviews of John

Inactive User
Inactive User received visit of Advise from a color enthusiast from John
Apr 12, 2017
Was a great help with picking the colors I needed for a project
Mar 30, 2017
I asked, John delivered.
Nick provided package of Conquer the Simbi Community! for John
May 18, 2017
John is easy going and great to work with!
Apr 12, 2017
Wonderful to work with and I am looking forward to using his tips!
Jacob provided session of Programming and Web Design for John
Apr 09, 2017
Very easy to work with, and communicates well.
Jane provided session of Simbi Advice & Support for John
Apr 06, 2017
Hope I was helpful!
Melvin provided hour of AMA : Ask a gay trans man/ftm 1 HR for John
Apr 02, 2017
He asked excellent and thoughtful questions
Crystal provided unit of Ask an Aromatherapist for John
Mar 30, 2017
John was pleasant to work with! Quick response time and easy to work with.


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

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About John Bissonette

I am a very open minded and creative person, I enjoy things that get my mind working. I consider myself caring and kind, if you have any worries or fears I have open ears and arms for you. I excell...ent at math, I used to solve math problems for fun! I can help you with everything from your math homework to finding that one annoying little bug in you excel spreadsheet and much more! My only spoken language is English, I have also studied grammar and spelling for 4 years. So I consider myself fairly knowledgeable in the language. I have a lot of experience speaking with foreigners and find breaking the communication wall quiet simple. I am good at explaining what words and phrases mean in simple language. If you need someone to talk to about your worries, and fears or dreams, and plans. Or if you just want to chat, or practice your English. I am very open to talking to anyone. I am very familiar with technology and try to stay up to date on the current trends. I will be offering low-cost PC tuneups in the future, were I can remove viruses, clean up your unneeded junk files or preform other matience at your request. I am also fairly familiar with most cellphones on the market. I like to consider myself fairly smart, I try to find ways around some problems that other people will just abandon. I try to be a very helpful person as making another smile, always makes me smile. I am a happy person. Just trying to bring a few smiles to the people of Simbi, we are all one. Communal gatherings like Simbi will be what remind us all of our humanity. As one we are greater then the sum of are parts Live happy my more

Open to other proposals
John Bissonette is looking for:
  • Fun & Quirky
  • Cheap & Easy
  • Gaming
  • Just for Fun
  • Digital Marketing
  • Web/Software Development
  • Graphic Design
  • Learning
  • Art Lessons
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  • Tutoring & Mentoring
  • Cooking
  • Food
  • Consulting & Coaching
  • Friendship/Listening
  • Experiences
  • Photography
  • Entertainment & Performance
  • Music & Audio
  • Craftwork
  • Art & Design
  • Architectural Design