Enlightening, Clean Comedy Game
Cards Against Insanity: A Party Game for Funny & Insightful People~
Hilarious Dysfunctional Insanity Shakes Hands with Personal Growth!
Our deliciously dark glimpses of hilarious humanoid dysfunctional insanity will tickle your funny bone. Your mission is to accept our dysfunctional insanity and bring forth your chosen insights of possibilities for personal growth to enhance our collective evolving genius. In other words, to help everyone (including you) to grow the heck up!
Object of our game is to:
Learn to laugh about our hilarious humanoid dysfunctional insanity.
Learn to laugh at yourself as you glimpse greater self honesty! Priceless!
Discover and share your insights about evolving from dysfunctional insanity into possibilities for personal growth, greater self honesty and a clearer sense of humanity. No joke grasshopper!
I'm pumped!! Let the funny & insightful people begin!
Delivery time
I will send you this file within 1-3 days