Ebook: The Oneness Process
An insightful exploration into the universal values and qualities that bring richness and unity into our lives, this unique process facilitates tapping into our personal and universal wisdom in life enhancing ways.It guides you to investigate and expand your inner truth and wisdom. Explore how easily this process offers simple yet profound ways to embrace the heart of universal wisdom and oneness.An experiential work of art, this inspiring process is a timeless resource for everyone open to exploring his or her inner landscape of personal and universal wisdom.
Iris Barratt guides you through the simple steps of appreciative inquiry on a soul level to investigate and expand integrative levels of wholeness. She explores and honors spiritual essences, which reflect universal values and ways of affirmative being and living. Her blend of appreciative inquiry with universal values inspires participation into the dance of oneness.
Iris K Barratt astutely explores how positive inquiry creates a resourceful position for the seeker and inspires open and intruguing participation by working with insightful modes of questioning. Blending appreciative inquiry with positive universal values has the common elements of inspiring integrative awareness of mind, body, spirit, emotions and humanity while blending support, encouragement, appreciation and honoring into the process. This unique form of appreciative inquiry facilitates our tapping into our own inner wisdom and essential being in meaningful ways.
She presents how this inspiring process inspires self-loving participation, which honors the wisdom of each individual seeker. This investigative process assists one's ability to address problems from a positive, resourceful place. Most importantly, it inspires you to address yourself as a part of universal values, or spiritual essences that reflect our oneness. Most of us want the same things; Love, Respect, Freedom, Peace, Acceptance, Inspiration and more. The many universal essences or values presented here are like the harmonies of a universal symphony we all aspire to create together. These levels of inquiry will assist the person mired in the usual rat pack of problems generated by the mind and every day life as well as assist those who are highly open, gifted and evolved. Strengthening a deeper sense of connection within your self, family, community and humanity in memorable and healthy ways is Iris' worthy passion.
Written in a practical and visionary style, Iris K Barratt courageously shares her personal examples of inquiry and demonstrates how awareness can lead to expanded vision and service. She allows her psychic, spiritual and visionary sides be revealed and expressed. Her positive style of personal self-inquiry into one's essential nature can bring profound awareness on many levels. Deep personal awareness gently leads to personal integration of one's inner mental, emotional, physical, intuitive and spiritual resources. It also greatly enhances health within our physical bodies as positive emotions are always healing in both personal and universal ways.
Iris K Barratt poetically weaves rich wisdom from her personal and universal insights, honoring each other, the earth and humanity, into a dance of oneness with essential, universal awareness.
Explore how easily appreciative inquiry with universal values can offer simple yet profound ways to embrace the heart of universal wisdom and oneness for us all.
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