Hey, I'm George!
Sofia Sofia City Province | Member since April 2017
About George Halachev
I'm an online life coach, focusing on productivity and building better habits. I'd love to help you become more productive or improve a habit in your life. I do 30 minute Skype coaching calls, feel free to sign up.
I also write self-improvement articles on my blog: www.georgehalachev.com
Here are some of my coaching testimonials:
George helped me with my waking up early goal of 5 am! Quite an endeavor for me as I am not a morning person. He provided great articles and advice on how to reach my goal.
- Lara Hall
My morning wake up time was a mess, getting up at any time (yes it could be after 10 am). Within 2 months, George was able to help me wake up early at 6:00 am every day (yes Sunday included).
- Laurent Roger
Every day I wake up before 5:00 AM and start working on improving my career skills as a Software engineer (that I had procrastinated for years). I'm full of energy, and everyday tasks on the job and at home are much easier. I maintain everyday time to exercise and live with less stress.
- Jayson Ramirez
Every day I wake up before 5:00 AM and start working on improving my career skills as a Software engineer (that I had procrastinated for years). I'm full of energy, and everyday tasks on the job and at home are much easier. I maintain everyday time to exercise and live with less stress.
- Ulises Moreno
I wanted to get up early, but somehow it was very uncomfortable for me. Even if i get up early, I had bad mood and was sleepy all day long. George helped me with a consistent flow of advice, tips, hints that worked for me. I began to get up early with good mood and no sleepiness during the day.
- Anton Sid
George Halachev's Services
Brooks provided package of Design a "Complex" Logo for George
Dani received unit of Become an Early Riser Course from George
Jeffen received unit of Become an Early Riser Course from George
Vinayaka received session of Coaching: Learn to Wake Up Early from George
Abby received unit of Become an Early Riser Course from George
Sumeet received unit of Become an Early Riser Course from George
David received unit of Become an Early Riser Course from George
Megan received unit of Become an Early Riser Course from George
Jay received unit of Become an Early Riser Course from George
Sab received unit of Become an Early Riser Course from George
Services George Halachev is looking for:
- Digital Marketing
- Website Consulting
- Web/Software Development
- Graphic Design
- Digital
- Learning
- Writing & Editing
- Consulting & Coaching
- Business
- Life Coaching
- Fitness